How to sell cosmetics on AMAZON. A quick guide for beginners

Even new e-commerce entrepreneurs know how demanding Amazon can be of its sellers. Cosmetics, for example. It seems to be a good niche, but the platform has prepared so many restrictions, rules and regulations for sellers that “the devil himself is breaking his legs”. In this article, we will try to figure out whether it […]
How do I sign up for AMAZON INSPIRE?

Like TikTok, only for purchases ©. Let’s get to know the AMAZON INSPIRE service: how it works, why it’s useful, and who needs it. What is AMAZON INSPIRE Inspire is a section in the Amazon app that looks like a personalised feed. Users have the opportunity to view photo and video content and make purchases […]
How to sell books on AMAZON

There are several ways to sell books on Amazon, including the possibility of putting up used goods on the platform. You can offer buyers not only a physical product (a hard or softcover book), but also their electronic format. This niche is the most popular among aspiring authors, as it allows them to quickly distribute […]
How to sell products for children on AMAZON? Practical recommendations for business

In this article, we want to talk about a special niche that is characterised by enormous demand and constantly growing cash turnover, is practically not subject to seasonality and will always be relevant. Have you guessed it? Yes, we are talking about children’s products. Let’s see how profitable it is to sell them on Amazon. […]
Is it worth buying ads from bloggers for business on Amazon

How can you increase sales and can a blogger help you with this? Influencer advertising: comparing the pros and cons, understanding the nuances and answering the main question: “Does your business really need it?” Why should you order advertising from bloggers at least once? Most Amazon entrepreneurs don’t pay enough attention to influencer marketing (ordering […]
How to create multiple seller accounts on Amazon?

Despite the fact that the platform is actively fighting against multi-accounting, sellers still have a chance to manage multiple accounts. How to implement this, in what cases it can be useful to you, and what are the reasons for blocking your Amazon account – we will tell you in this article. Why you need to […]
What happens to returns on amazon? A detailed overview

One of the most annoying situations for sellers on Amazon is product returns. And the point is not so much that it is a new headache. The most annoying thing is that in most cases, the buyer has no objective reasons for such an act. Taking advantage of the platform’s loyal conditions, many people make […]
How do negative reviews on Amazon affect sales? What to do with negative reviews?

In general, the impact of negative reviews on the rating is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, as soon as you see a low rating, you need to take action. And don’t panic. After all, even if your product is the best in the world, there will be a buyer who does not appreciate its benefits. In […]