Stefaniy Martynenko

Storefont development

Storefront development service from Nexus

Why is it so important to develop a storefront in depth and with high quality? Let’s look at it from the point of view of customer psychology.

Have you ever walked along and stood still for a moment and immersed yourself in the contemplation of a shop window? Immersing yourself in the concept, unravelling the decorator’s artistic intent, you don’t even notice how you have a new need – to get the goods presented in the window here and now.

This is our buyer psychology: just 4 steps (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and the seller has already got the money in his pocket. That is, absolutely any sale begins with attracting attention.

How can this law be implemented on online marketplaces? The same way as in the physical world – to create an attractive, catchy, conceptual storefront.

Storefront is your storefront on Amazon. It is a page that contains information about your products, competitive differentiators, brand history and values. Just like a physical storefront, an Amazon Storefront is a marketing tool that attracts new customers and increases sales.

Website home page creation and design: price, necessity and other issues

In addition to attracting attention and performing other marketing functions (brand awareness, increasing loyalty, etc.), having a Home page will provide your online store with a number of practical benefits:

  • having a store page on the Amazon platform replaces the need to create a website (for which you would spend at least $1,000). You get the same functionality;
  • It is convenient to direct advertising traffic from external sources to the store page, and links can be posted on social networks and used for advertising campaigns;
  • your storefront does not contain competitors’ ads (unlike general search), and the buyer’s attention is focused exclusively on your offers.

After all, having a Storefront allows the customer to see all your offers in one place and add products to their cart that you offer as “related” products.

The price of the service is variable and depends on the complexity of the work. Contact us for a commercial offer.

What do we offer?

The Nexus team of designers and marketers transforms brand values and ideas into a single page concept. The services include not just the design of the main page of the site, but a full range of works:

  • elaboration of the design concept and semantic message;
  • design of the “header” (the top visual block);
  • creating a page menu;
  • a text description of the store (brand history/slogan/values/mission);
  • design of product categories;
  • filling with other graphic and textual content, in accordance with the task.

What do you get?

You get a ready-to-go, content-filled Amazon page that will replace your business’s online store.

You will significantly reduce the cost of this marketing tool, because website development involves paying for a domain, hosting, and a team of specialists who will provide the necessary functionality and resource performance.

Your brand’s storefront will perform all 4 tasks that lead to successful sales: attract attention, arouse interest, arouse desire, and push to action.

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