Stefaniy Martynenko

Attractive photos for listing: what you should pay attention to

Why do all successful Amazon entrepreneurs unanimously say that attractive photos are perhaps the most important factor in their success? Because it’s true.

The task of the photo is NOT just to demonstrate the product. It’s to reveal its best aspects, features and characteristics. Convince the buyer that it is the perfect choice, close objections and encourage them to open their wallet. “Delicious” photos evoke emotions, provoke impulsive purchases (and therefore increase sales).

How to achieve all this, read below.

Basic rules

It goes without saying that the images should be clear, informative and free of highlights. The product should occupy at least 85% of the frame.

For the most accurate colour reproduction, it is best to use RGB mode. CMYK is also allowed, but some details may appear faint on computer screens (CMYK is more suitable for printing).

The best file formats to upload are .jpeg and .jpg. You can also use TIFF, PNG, and GIF. Animated formats such as .gifs are not supported.

The best combination: 6 photos + 1 video.
The perfect combination: 5 photos + 1 video + 1 3D mock-up

As for the size, all the guides advise you not to upload images with sides smaller than 1600 pixels. The reason for this is that the platform does not impose the Zoom function on smaller sizes.

Rectangular images are not prohibited, but are discouraged as they look cropped.

This is what Zoom looks like in action. It has been proven to increase sales.

What should be the main photo for Amazon?

  1. The first and most important criterion is the background canvas. Amazon insists that it should be “crystal white” and meet the parameters of 255,255,255 RGB.

An example of the main photos in search results.
  1. Logos, watermarks, and overlaid images may not be used (unless you are showing off the equipment and/or packaging).
  2. Any textual and advertising inscriptions are prohibited. Especially the mention of services (“works with Amazon Alexa“) or self-promotion (“Seller of the Year“).
  3. The main image should be a photo, not a drawing, layout, illustration, sketch or rendering (don’t even think about looking for it on stock images (free services of ready-made images).

You might ask: “But how can I take selling photos if the platform puts sellers in such tight corners?”. The answer is that these requirements apply only to the first (i.e. main) image. Then we switch on the “creativity” mode and start creating.

5 tips on how to take selling photos and stand out from the competition

We need all the following pictures in the listing to reveal the product (its advantages, characteristics and benefits), to evoke emotions and desires. To do this, use the tricks we have collected for you.

  1. Experiment! Be sure to see how competitors present a similar product. Sometimes a different angle is enough to make you stand out.

Яке з цих фото привернуло вашу увагу?

  1. Use every opportunity. Each photo should reveal 1-2 advantages/features/functions of the product. Don’t try to “sculpt” all the characteristics at once (even if it’s a list of ingredients, break it down into primary and secondary ingredients so that the text remains readable). Do not leave a lot of empty space.
  1. Show attention to detail. Give the buyer the opportunity to “touch” the product – show buttons, fasteners, lint, joints, logo letters and other small elements.
  1. Don’t shy away from infographics. Yes, you will have to work on the design, colours, and fonts. However, this will: a) have a positive impact on brand awareness; b) provide the buyer with much more information than simple text.
  1. Show the product “in action”. Such images attract a lot of attention. The trick is that your customer subconsciously identifies with the model in the picture. Therefore, give them the impression of joy from buying, owning and using it.

Of course, these are just basic tips on how to take great photos. After all, different niches have their own evaluation criteria. In some, it is important to show ease of assembly (furniture) and ease of use (appliances). In others, it is important to create a situational picture (a child’s joy over a new toy). In others, it is important to focus on quality and fit (clothing).

“Explore the Amazon blog to find even more tips. For example, if you sell shoes, you should only show 1 sneaker in the first photo. It should be positioned at a 45° angle and point to the left.

If you don’t have time to search for information and artists, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of photographers, retouchers, and designers will create great photos for marketplaces for you, taking into account all the rules of the platform and marketing techniques.

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