Stefaniy Martynenko

How to sell products for children on AMAZON? Practical recommendations for business

In this article, we want to talk about a special niche that is characterised by enormous demand and constantly growing cash turnover, is practically not subject to seasonality and will always be relevant. Have you guessed it?

Yes, we are talking about children’s products. Let’s see how profitable it is to sell them on Amazon. Products for children or for adults – where can a novice entrepreneur earn more? Let’s start with the basic questions.

Is selling children’s products an attractive business?

No doubt about it. There are not many categories where people consistently spend large sums of money, even with minimal income. First and foremost, of course, it’s about covering basic needs – food, hygiene, etc. A special advantage of the children’s goods niche is that they are not only basic for a small family member (i.e., they are always needed by everyone), but also emotional from the perspective of parents. And everything that is bought through emotions is easy to sell, knowing the right levers of influence.

Other undoubted advantages of the children’s niche include:

  • clear problems of the target audience, which make it easy to build a marketing campaign;
  • solvency of the audience (no matter what the family’s income is, people will always allocate money for a child);
  • Stable demand (the need for toys does not decrease even during global crises);
  • lack of seasonality as a phenomenon, but an increase in sales during the festive periods.

Of course, such a “sweet” category attracts many sellers, so a newcomer needs to be prepared for high competition. You should also expect that finding a unique product for children is a big challenge. And the third aspect is Amazon’s high requirements for children’s products. Be prepared for constant inspections, as well as special attention to documentation (prepare quality and safety certificates).

Choosing a product to sell on Amazon: children’s clothing, toys and other categories

To decide which product to launch on the platform, let’s consider all possible options. The children’s niche on Amazon (the Bebe section) is divided into the following components:

  • activity and entertainment;
  • bedroom (baby monitors, furniture, bedding, lighting);
  • products for swaddling;
  • strollers and accessories to them;
  • car seats and accessories;
  • hygiene and care;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pots and chairs;
  • clothing for pregnant women;
  • clothing and footwear for newborns;
  • safety.

There are separate sections for Fashion for Boys, Fashion for Girls and Toys and Games. Be careful when filling out the listing and choosing a category. Take into account the age for which the product is intended so as not to lose part of your potential target audience.

Speaking from the point of view of demand on Amazon, children’s clothing (as well as adult clothing) will always be in demand. However, it is important to take into account certain buying factors in order to make more sales and build positioning.

Since women buy most of the goods, it is important to understand their motives. When selling everyday clothes, focus on quality (every mother/grandmother/godmother wants to dress her baby in the best, natural, eco-friendly and soft clothes). But if it’s a festive costume, then the bet is on emotions: for example, Family Look (identical mother + daughter sets) are always relevant. Emotions can be enhanced by using high-quality graphics and adding photos of the kids wearing the clothes and smiling.

When it comes to toys, it is important to follow trends closely. As soon as a new cartoon comes out, the market is quickly saturated with various products featuring the main character. The only products not subject to these waves are educational toys.

Conclusion: the children’s goods niche on Amazon is profitable, promising and relevant. But to achieve commercial success in it, it is important to build the right positioning and branch out from competitors.

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