Stefaniy Martynenko

What is Amazon Live? A guide for sellers

What Jeff Bezos’s company is definitely not known for is giving out “goodies” to sellers. But imagine that there is a tool that will allow you to attract hundreds of potential buyers for free.

Here’s how to create your first Amazon stream and why you can’t do without the Live streaming feature if you’re building a strong brand.

What is Amazon Live?

Customers love videos, and Amazon loves its customers (or, more precisely, the revenue they generate). So it’s no surprise that the platform couldn’t ignore the trend for short videos and live online broadcasts. Thanks to this trend, Amazon Live was launched in 2019.

This is a feature/app and a section on the website that allows creators (brands and influencers) to conduct Amazon Live, i.e. stream video.

Why you should definitely try Amazon Live

As mentioned above, it’s a free and quite powerful tool. You get access to the entire multi-million audience. Many of the viewers will become brand subscribers, and then possibly customers. That is, just one successful broadcast on Amazon can dramatically change your revenue figures. But there are a number of other, less obvious reasons to try streaming.

Spontaneous purchases

Let’s imagine that there is a conditional Louise from the United States who does not know about your product. And she doesn’t even use such keywords in her search queries. Your ads are not targeted. That is, you have almost zero chances of attracting her as a customer.

But Louise goes to the Amazon Live section and accidentally sees your broadcast. She becomes interested, gets excited, and immediately places an order. Perhaps she will become the brand’s most loyal and regular customer.

Increase the engagement rate

During the broadcast, users can ask questions, leave comments, and receive instant responses. This creates a sense of involvement in the brand, increases trust, and creates an interesting shopping experience. This directly affects the desire to place an order and, accordingly, increases the company’s revenue.

Closing objections

“Live demonstrations make product information more convincing. As a result, customers see how to use it in real life and get answers to their other questions. And when the objections are removed and the features are clear, there are not many reasons not to buy.

Promote new products

Amazon Live is a great tool for introducing new products and their features, attracting attention, and driving sales.

Conclusion: use Amazon Live as part of your overall marketing and sales strategy. This will help you increase business efficiency and attract loyal customers.

How to start a stream?

As always, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the platform’s policies and read the user manual before starting. Next, you need to download a special Amazon Live Creator app.

At the time of writing, it is available only in the App Store. However, Amazon may soon make it available for other mobile systems.

You can also use OBS (a popular live streaming software) or other similar programs. They allow you to connect multiple cameras to broadcast images from different angles. And in general, they offer more flexible settings: for example, your assistant will be able to respond to comments in the chat from a second device.

Important! Video streaming is available only to companies that are registered in the brand registry and to users of the Amazon Influencer Program. However, anyone can watch/comment on other people’s broadcasts.

This is important to know before conducting an online broadcast

Let’s not dwell on trivial recommendations about the quality of the picture and sound or the need to fully charge your mobile device. Below are some implicit tips that will make your Amazon Livestream even more effective.

Each stream should have a specific topic. It’s not enough to go live with a presentation of your product. Group the information you want to share in advance and don’t mix the presentation of new products and the sale of last year’s collection into one broadcast.

The broadcast should last more than 30 minutes. Statistically, it is during this time that you will be noticed and the maximum number of participants will join the broadcast.

Offer viewers exclusive discounts, promotions, and special offers. This will encourage purchases and create additional motivation to participate in your future broadcasts.

Be interactive. No one is interested in a dry list of facts. Ask questions to engage viewers and keep their attention. Call for reactions in the chat, make jokes.

Make links to products directly in the description of the stream or send them during the broadcast, so viewers can immediately proceed to purchase.

After each stream, analyze its results: the number of viewers, the level of engagement, and the number of sales. Use this information to improve your livestreams in the future.

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