Stefaniy Martynenko

How to create an attractive logo and packaging design for your brand on Amazon, Etsy, and Shopify

In this article, we’ve decided to tell you in detail how to create an attractive logo design: from finding an idea to its practical implementation. So let’s not dwell on how important the visual component plays in the success of a brand. You probably know that a logo is a key element of identity and visual communication with customers. Let’s get right down to practice.

What do Apple, Nike, and Twitter have in common?

In addition to their global fame and multibillion-dollar turnover, we can find another significant similarity: a minimalist, simple and straightforward logo.

An apple, a checkmark and a bird are instantly recognizable symbols that are filled with a very deep meaning. Thus, the Nike checkmark is associated with movement and activity, symbolizing victory and success. And the Twitter bird reflects the freedom of information flow and ease of use of the platform.

Hence, we conclude that a good logo should have three qualities:

  1. Simplicity. The simpler and clearer the symbol, the better it is remembered.
  2. Uniqueness as a way to stand out from the crowd.
  3. Content. The visual component of the brand should reflect its type of activity/benefits/ideology.

Adaptability should also be added to the criteria – the emblem should look good on different surfaces and be scalable.

How to create an attractive logo?

Step 1. Search for ideas

First, we need to understand the values, goals, and vibe of the brand. This will be the key to creating a symbol that reflects your identity.

So, the first step is to highlight all the “messages” you want to convey to the audience. For example, naturalness, environmental friendliness, high quality, etc. Then, to transform these ideas into a graphic shell, we recommend using an association service (easily found on the Internet).

For example, the symbol of Shell gas stations is a shell. Why? Without analyzing associations, it is quite difficult to connect oil and a seashell. However, these are natural resources, which already gives us an incentive to start generating along the chain: oil – coal – mine – stone – water.

Another way to create a beautiful logo is a “kaleidoscope of ideas”. Find images, photos, quotes, symbols that can inspire you. It’s like playing backwards, and your task is to link what you find to the brand’s ideology.

So, Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple) claimed that their logo was a purely aesthetic choice. Steve was inspired by prosaic circumstances – an apple that he bit and put on the table, not by biblical motifs about the forbidden fruit from Eden. As a result, the Apple logo can be interpreted as a symbol of creativity and innovation. The bite of an apple can refer to the originality of thoughts and the difference from generally accepted standards.

Step 2. Colors and fonts

It’s no secret that colors can have an emotional impact on the audience and on the perception of a company. Take red, for example – it can symbolize passion or strength, but it is also associated with danger. Study the psychology of color to build the right message into your brand identity.

For example, blue is associated with reliability, green with nature and health, and yellow with joy and dynamism.

In this matter, it is very important to take into account cultural peculiarities. For example, in China, Japan and India, white is associated with sadness and death and is traditionally used at funerals.

Please note! There are three types of logos: verbal, symbolic, and combined.

The choice of fonts also determines the mood of your logo. Fonts can be classic, modern, serious, or playful. Consider different font families (serif, sans serif, handwritten, etc.). Make sure that the font maintains its effectiveness at different scales and conveys the ideas and messages you have put into the logo.

Step 3. Practical implementation

So, the idea has been found. The fonts and colors are chosen. It’s time to create the finished product. For this purpose, we use various programs to help us:


Difficulty level: beginner/intermediate.

Features: Easy-to-use design creation tool. Provides templates, elements, and an intuitive image editor.

Brand Crowd

Difficulty level: beginner.

An online platform specializing in logo design. Offers simple tools and templates based on the name and keywords.

Tailor Brands

Difficulty level: medium.

Features: Uses artificial intelligence to create logos and branding.

Using the knowledge from this article, you can also understand how to create attractive product packaging (or rather, its design) – everything is the same: use branded fonts, colors, and logos.

We would also like to remind you that we, at Nexus, have a fully staffed digital department, whose designers will be happy to help your business find a unique, inimitable style.

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