Selling your own products on Amazon, Etsy, and Shopify

Most online guides on marketplace trading offer to start a business without having your own production. The essence of such schemes is to buy in China and enter the market by “sticking” your logo on the product. And it is very rare to find information on how to sell your products on Amazon and other […]

How to run successful promotions and sales on Amazon, Etsy, and Shopify

Как проводить успешные акции и распродажи на Amazon, Etsy и Shopify

In this article, you’ll learn how to run a sale on Amazon and other marketplaces, why it’s important to limit your customers, and at what points in the product lifecycle promotions will be most effective. People love discounts It is an indisputable fact that customers are more loyal to a brand if they have managed […]

How to overcome seasonal fluctuations in demand on Amazon, Etsy, and Shopify

Как преодолеть сезонные колебания спроса на Amazon, Etsy и Shopify

Seasonality is a completely predictable phenomenon that has not only disadvantages (such as lower sales), but can also be used to benefit (with a properly built marketing strategy). We’ll tell you what measures exist to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in demand and how to minimize their impact on your business. Advantages of seasonality The main […]

Psychology of choice: what factors influence the decision to buy on Amazon

I’d like to start by saying that the psychology of choice is a surprisingly complex process that involves many aspects of consumer behavior. However, understanding these aspects (at least at a basic level, without academic immersion in psychology) will help you create more effective marketing strategies and better understand your customers’ needs. That is why […]