We will help you to obtain a patent under the Madrid system (which includes 119 countries), as well as in other countries of Europe and the world, including the United States.
This service includes a whole range of procedures:
In addition, patenting is often associated with a validation procedure (i.e., the adaptation of documents to national requirements). This does not apply to countries that have signed the London Agreement (Germany, England, Switzerland, Monaco, etc.). However, if necessary in your particular case, we will perform this procedure.
Nexus specialists will help you patent physical products, intellectual inventions or innovative processes as quickly as possible, avoiding unnecessary cash outlays.
80% of the world’s trade turnover belongs to members of the Madrid Union.
For an entrepreneur, this fact means that your intellectual property (IP) will be under strong cross-border protection. You will receive an effective protection mechanism in 119 countries, and you will also save money by paying one registration fee, avoiding the payment of national fees to the treasury of each individual country.
Another advantage of the Madrid system is the relative speed of application processing (up to 18 months).
The ease of making changes and managing your IP, which is achieved through access to a single centralised system, is also worth noting.
Thus, without any bureaucratic problems, you will receive a patent for an invention (for 20 years) or an industrial design (for 10 years). The terms are valid from the date of filing.
Important! The Madrid system is worthwhile if you plan to conduct international business in at least 3-5 member states. Otherwise, it will be economically feasible to choose another method of protection.шому разі економічно доцільно буде обрати інший спосіб охорони.
We can also offer registration in the PCT international patent system (which allows you to obtain protection in several countries by filing a single application), the Hague Design System, and the United States.
We will help you to solve all the difficulties associated with patent filing. Services are charged based on the task at hand. Therefore, we offer to discuss your case individually at a free consultation.