Stefaniy Martynenko

Project investment

Unfortunately, starting a new business on Amazon has become much more difficult than it was 4-5 years ago. It is no longer enough to simply choose a popular product, create a page for it, and pay for advertising within the marketplace. Now, in order for a product to have sufficient sales, you need to work out the brand well, as well as create a high-quality and creative advertising campaign, including external traffic. This inevitably led to an increase in the entry threshold.

If you don’t have enough savings to start a business on your own, we will help you find partners. Thanks to our experience, we have managed to create a transparent and convenient system of control and decision-making. This solution allows several co-investors to pool their resources and launch a truly high-quality and promising project. All agreements between partners are fixed on paper, and all business is conducted exclusively on behalf of the company where you are a shareholder. In this case, we act as an independent intermediary whose goal is to develop your business as efficiently as possible.

Why is it beneficial for you?

You can become the owner of a solid business with a relatively low investment.

There is no need to worry that your interests will not be taken into account or violated. All the rights of the shareholders are spelled out in detail by our lawyers in the company’s charter.

You do not need to constantly monitor your partners. Business management and development is our concern. We have the relevant experience and know our job. If you decide that someone else can do it better, you can always outsource the management of the company to anyone.

Why is it beneficial for us?

We help clients build businesses that have the best chance of success.

We earn more – our remuneration directly depends on business success and sales, which means we are interested in promising projects.

Author's Blog

We share expert opinion and reveal the secrets of successful business on Amazon.