Amazon: the story of Amazon’s creation and success

Amazon: история создания и успеха Амазон

– But we can’t sell a NEGATIVE number of books! – We’re ahead of the curve, but that doesn’t give us an advantage to postpone the launch. This is what the founder of Amazon might have said to one of his employees in 1995. Although the company was officially registered in 1994, the start of […]

Amazon Brand Registry review: how to protect your brand on the platform

Is it worth participating in the Amazon Brand Registry (ABR) program? Absolutely! It’s not only a way to protect your intellectual property, but also a valuable tool to help make your brand more recognizable, secure, and successful. How it works The Amazon Brand Registry program fights against the sale of counterfeit (fake) products. Algorithms based […]

How to use Amazon Alexa and voice search to promote products

As of February, more than 500 million (!) Amazon Alexa-enabled devices have already been sold. This is a clear signal that the importance of voice assistants in the lives of Americans cannot be ignored any longer. It’s time to take your marketing strategy to the next level. Here’s how to increase sales of your products […]

Amazon Seller Central overview: the basics of managing your account

We’ve written about Amazon Seller Central (ASC) on this blog many times, but we’ve never reviewed its functionality and features. But this is the main tool for any seller on the platform. Through your personal account, you can: In addition, ASC offers users many options for automating processes and performing bulk transactions. Home page On […]

What is Amazon Live? A guide for sellers

What Jeff Bezos’s company is definitely not known for is giving out “goodies” to sellers. But imagine that there is a tool that will allow you to attract hundreds of potential buyers for free. Here’s how to create your first Amazon stream and why you can’t do without the Live streaming feature if you’re building […]

How to expand the range of Ukrainian goods on Amazon: tips and strategies

Is it worth adding more products to Amazon? In what cases will increasing the assortment lead to an increase in income, and in what cases – to the dissipation of resources. How to expand the product line correctly. We talk about all this in our new article. Let’s take an existing Amazon store as an […]

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