Stefaniy Martynenko


Listing service: writing text, keyword selection, listing optimisation from Nexus

To understand how important an Amazon listing is, let me ask you an interesting question.

How long has it been since you visited the fifth page of Google search results?

Probably never. After all, why waste time on long searches if everything you need is usually presented on the first lines?

Perhaps you’ll occasionally look at the second page of the results, searching hard. But no further.

But there are also sites that sell/advertise/inform about something beyond the “border”.

The same system works on the Amazon platform. If a potential customer does not find your product in the top results, then you have lost the customer and your profit. All stores, both newcomers to the marketplace and those that have been around for a long time, need search engine promotion (SEO).

Another important criterion by which your customer will make a decision is the product description. It should attract attention and sell through the disclosure of competitive advantages and product features.

A quick reference on Amazon listing

Listing on Amazon is actually the creation of a product card. It means providing detailed textual and graphical information about the product.

The texts contained in an Amazon listing are used for SEO promotion, which means bringing the product to the top of the search results on the site. To do this, the texts are filled with keywords – user queries. For example, “shampoo for oily hair” or “kitchen towel with embroidery”.

If your product is unique (you work under the Private label model), you need to create and fill out a listing yourself. If you are selling something that is already available on the marketplace, you will have to join someone else’s listing, as duplicating them is strictly prohibited.

What do we offer?

Nexus specialists will perform the entire range of work aimed at improving the position of the product on the Amazon website and in the search engine results. With the help of a competent approach to SEO, we directly affect the increase in traffic to your store and its sales figures.

To create an Amazon listing for your product, we will involve at least 3 specialists:

1. Copywriter – a person who creates the text part of the content. We work exclusively with native speaker specialists (born and living in America). This means that you can be sure of the quality of the content: it will be a selling text with a catchy headline that takes into account the linguistic nuances that foreigners do not know.

2. An SEO specialist – a person who will fill your listing with keywords and help it take the top positions in Amazon search results.

3. A manager who will oversee the process and report back to you on the results.

What is included in the Listing service

Let’s imagine a situation: you sell shampoo that contains coconut oil. And now a customer comes to you from the search engine and searches for a product using the query “coconut oil”. But when he sees the product, he closes the page and leaves. After all, he was looking for an alternative cooking oil, not a shampoo. This is the case when the keyword turned out to be irrelevant. You received a bounce (the customer left), which is not good for promotion. If there are a lot of such bounces, the system will consider your product uninteresting and won’t raise it to the top.

There are a lot of such nuances, as well as rules. Therefore, if you don’t want to doom your store to failure, you should entrust the selection of keywords and the creation of text to professionals.

We will perform the entire range of work:

  • analysis of keywords and competitors’ listings;
  • compiling a semantic core for the entire store and individual keywords for each product card;
  • sorting out relevant keys that will help reduce the number of failures;
  • creating an original text that contains a catchy headline, a competent product description and bullet points (a list of benefits).

What do you get?

In fact, you get promotion of specific products and your store as a whole. Your offers will appear on the top of Amazon’s search results, and it will happen organically (without buying ads).

Important! For effective promotion, it is not enough to write a text using keywords once. SEO work should be comprehensive and ongoing. Only such an approach will bring you success, recognition, and increased profits in the long run.

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