Stefaniy Martynenko

Amazon is becoming more generous with music. But only for Prime users

Amazon Prime was launched back in 2005. Since then, more than 200 million users have appreciated its benefits. However, not all of them were satisfied when the annual tariff increased from $119 to $139. Therefore, the company had to “sweeten the pill” by increasing the music library 50 times.

Previously, Prime subscribers had access to about 2 million podcasts, tracks, and music. On Tuesday, the company announced that it was expanding this list to 100 million.

The songs will not contain any adverts. But. Users will only be able to listen to them by shuffling through artists, albums, and playlists instead of selecting songs on demand.

If you want to customise your playlist, the company offers to do it “on demand” or offline (for which you will have to download the tracks you like).

“We continue to innovate and strive to offer even more entertainment for users. At the same time, we’re maintaining the convenience and value that Prime members already enjoy,” said Steve Boom, Vice President of Amazon Music.

Experts predict that such an expansion of the music library will increase the platform’s competition with Spotify and Apple Music (which, by the way, also plan to raise subscription rates).

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