Stefaniy Martynenko

Amazon Brand Registry review: how to protect your brand on the platform

Is it worth participating in the Amazon Brand Registry (ABR) program? Absolutely! It’s not only a way to protect your intellectual property, but also a valuable tool to help make your brand more recognizable, secure, and successful.

How it works

The Amazon Brand Registry program fights against the sale of counterfeit (fake) products. Algorithms based on machine learning and the latest advances in artificial intelligence are used to find violators. Human resources are also involved in the task: analysts, lawyers, scientists and researchers.

If an offense is detected (either through a complaint or an automatic check), the platform blocks the suspicious listing. Moreover, Amazon cooperates with law enforcement agencies in different countries and helps brands to compensate for the damage caused by violations in accordance with the law.

Benefits of participating in the program

In addition to the obvious, Amazon Brand Registry offers a lot of implicit bonuses to its members.

Advanced control panel

Brand owners registered in the program have access to additional analytics and reporting. This helps to better understand demand and make more informed business decisions.

Improved customer support

This can include faster responses to inquiries, assistance with product issues, and technical information.

Access to A+ content

This means the ability to create custom headlines, comparison tables, use unique layouts, and more. This not only improves visual perception, but also strengthens customer confidence in the brand, increases competitiveness, and directly affects the number of sales.

Additional ways of promotion

For example, advertising through Sponsored Brands or Amazon Posts. Program participants can also conduct live online broadcasts (via the Live feature) and draw more attention to their product. In fact, you get access to a brand new segment of the target audience.

Opportunities for the development of the distribution network

This means granting the rights to use your name/product to other sellers of the platform for a commercial fee.

The expediency of participating in the program is beyond doubt. And we have not listed all the benefits above. For example, Brand Registry allows you to publish videos in the listing, provide a unique code for each product, get higher positions in search results, etc.

Disadvantages of Brand Registry

As such, there are no disadvantages of participating in ABR. Rather, these are the difficulties you will have to face:

1. Difficulty of registration. Quite a few sellers face the problem of collecting a full package of documents and bringing them in line with the requirements of the platform.

2. Waiting time. The registration process can be quite long. You cannot use the benefits of the program until it is completed.

3.Limited scope. All Brand Registry benefits are applicable only to sales on the platform. You need to protect your intellectual property outside of Amazon using other methods.

To speed up and simplify the process, as well as to find out how to protect your brand from counterfeiting outside the Amazon jurisdiction, please contact our specialists. The initial consultation is free and does not oblige you to anything.

How to register an Amazon brand

In order to apply within the platform, you must have a registered trademark. The jurisdiction does not matter. But the type of trademark does. It can be text or combined. Only graphic images are not allowed.

Both brand owners and authorized representatives can apply. It is important that the user has a professional account at the time of application (individual accounts are not allowed to participate).

The following documents and data will be required for your Trademark to be registered on Amazon

  • proof of trademark rights (certificate/registration number)
  • photos or images of the trademark;
  • data on the country of registration of the TM and the date of its registration;
  • identification number of the right holder;
  • information about the brand (name, address, contacts);
  • documents confirming your involvement in the brand (ownership, license agreements, power of attorney).

The requirements may vary depending on the country in which you are registering a trademark and on Amazon’s policies at a given time. If you decide to go this route yourself, we recommend checking the current requirements on the official website or contacting Amazon support for more information.

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