Trademark registration in Europe

Ensure exclusive rights to intellectual property

The fastest possible procedure

You will receive the TM in 4-5 months
from the date of application

100% money back guarantee in case of refusal in registration

Receiving the application number within a few days

You don’t have to wait the whole period to complete the registration
on Amazon and other marketplaces

One application – protection in all EU countries

At the time of filing, the TM must be unique and not used in any of the 27 EU countries

Timeline and process

Registration of a trademark takes 4-5 months

Analysis of TM
for similarity/identity

Check in the registers according to the national procedure

Preparation of documents and official filing of the application with the Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Approval of the application and obtaining a TM serial number

Placing an application in a departmental journal

Registration of a trade mark

To start cooperation, please contact us in any convenient way:

Group 181

leave a request

Group 179

or call the number

The initial legal consultation is free of charge and does not oblige you to do anything.




– single class

(including verification and official collection in 850 EUR)


– single class

(including verification and official collection in 850 EUR)

Each additional class of protection costs 750 EUR

According to the International Classification, there are 45 classes of goods and services. We will help you choose the right one.

Important! If you have a wide range of products (for example, household goods), you need to register a trademark in each class: cooking utensils (class 21), pillowcases and home textiles (class 24), picture frames (class 20), etc.

Is it possible to get a lower price for this service?

Yes. We can exclude the initial check for uniqueness and registration from the process. In this case, you will save 150 EUR. However, we do not recommend using this option: without prior preparation, the application may be rejected and you will not be able to use our money-back guarantee.

Yes. We can exclude the initial check for uniqueness and registration from the process. In this case, you will save 150 EUR. However, we do not recommend using this option: without prior preparation, the application may be rejected and you will not be able to use our money-back guarantee.

Why is it worth
registering a TM?


You receive legal protection against the use of your TM by others without permission.

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Brand identification

TM helps to create and strengthen brand identity. This makes it easier for customers to recognise and trust you.

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You can sell the right to use it. This is an additional method of monetising a trademark.

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Information help

Both legal entities and individuals can apply. It does not matter whether you are a resident of the country of registration.

All you need to do is to indicate your trademark and list the goods and services for which it will be used. We will take care of the rest of the paperwork.

Yes, you can register a trademark yourself. To do so, review the steps described above and follow these instructions. At the same time, if you want to increase your chances of registering your trademark, we recommend that you contact a lawyer. We will help you
– conduct a preliminary examination.
– Identify potential conflict situations.
– file an application for TM registration in compliance with all standards and legal requirements.
– communicate with the Office (EUIPO).

A registered trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of application. The term of validity may be extended upon expiry (an unlimited number of times). The rights to a trademark are cancelled early if it has not been used continuously for 3 years.

Registration in the EU is necessary for those who enter the region’s domestic market with their goods or services.

We register
all types of


…as well as other variations: sounds, three-dimensional shapes, etc.

If you do not yet have an original name, graphic logo, slogan or brand book, our digital brand specialists will develop them for you, taking into account all your wishes.

Get a free legal consultation
from our specialist

“Legal protection of the right to a trademark begins to take effect on the day following the filing of the application for registration”


Lawyer in the field of intellectual property


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