Trademark registration service from Nexus

If you are planning to bring your business to a foreign market, sooner or later you will face the need to register a trademark.

Nexus offers comprehensive assistance in this regard:

  • preliminary verification of TM for similarity/identity according to national and international procedures;
  • report on the results, assessment of failure risks, and recommendations;
  • preparation of documents and official filing of an application with the patent office;
  • legal representation by a licensed specialist;
  • tracking the process (if necessary, filing a petition);
  • full information support at every stage.

You can also contact us with other issues related to the protection of intellectual property: renewal of registration, trademark management (e.g., expansion of geographical coverage), dispute resolution, etc.

We offer package and national procedures

Depending on the type of activity, goals, objectives and your wishes, we can offer various options:

  • National registration of a trademark (separately in the selected country of the EU, UAE, China and others)
    Madrid centralised system (128 countries);
  • Benelux Regional Office BOIP (3 countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland);
  • The European Patent and Trademark Office EUIPO (27 countries);
  • The USPTO Patent and Trademark Office in the United States.

How much does it cost to register a trademark?

The cost of this service depends on various factors. First and foremost, it is, of course, the basic duties set in the registration zone.

For example, the Madrid system provides for a fee of 680 euros. In the United States, filing an application will cost $225-275.

*prices are current at the time of writing and may change

The second factor that will affect the amount is the number of classes of goods and services you register.

Don’t forget about the additional costs that may be affected by the type of trademark (whether it has colour elements or consists solely of the brand name/slogan), protection zones and other factors.

You may also face difficulties in the process – it is likely that identical meanings will be found during the trademark verification for similarity. In this case, the procedure stops at the current moment and resumes after rebranding.

On average, TM registration costs an entrepreneur 1000-3500 euros.

As for the timing.

This is not a quick process, which takes from six months to several years, depending on the complexity of the particular case.

Please note that despite the fact that the registration procedure takes a long time to complete, the protection of your trademark begins to take effect from the moment you file such an application.

Let’s discuss your requirements and find the best solution. For a free consultation, please contact us via the form below or in any other convenient way.

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